
Rigging(From my own experiences)

What is a good rig? What is a bad rig?

Rigging needs to skin the model with the created bones because the bones and the model are independent. Therefore, each point on the model should be matched to the bone. Then the motion of bone can be used to control the motion of the model. Rigging is the most important part of the whole animation. If in the animation production process, the rig production is not complete. The animator is unable to produce the correct action that meets the requirements. How to judge whether the rig is good or bad, it’s a good way to know the animator complain or praise when they use the rig ( just joking).

Excellent rigging requires that bones match the model completely, and influence between the parts of the model should be fully considered when skinning. For example, if there is a problem with rigging. When the character walks, the waist will sag. Or the model will be destroyed when the character’s hand moves. Of course, if a model is not good, it will have many strange problems, far more than I described. But good models don’t have these problems.

In the past time, I’ve only used humans and quadrupeds to make animations. So my experience is mainly related to this part.

Before I use characters to make animations, I’ll see dose rigging is symmetrical. Because of the deviation, it will lead to the numerical deviation when calculating the moving position in the subsequent production process. Moreover, it is necessary to check whether the initial value of each controller is 0, which is also an essential part. If the initial data of some controllers is not 0, it is easy to have irregular joint tremble in the subsequent production. Of course, these problems can also be adjusted manually, but this is very troublesome.

I will observe the binding of facial expressions, which are very important in animation. The model I used this time has a rig on its face, which is very convenient to use. But to be honest, my favourite kinds of facial expression rig which get a face control panel. There is no difference in the final production effect, but the control panel is more convenient to observe and use. (the ELSA model with face controller panel below is my favourite rig type.)

The model’s foot controller I used this time is excellent. Both the front and back foot have corresponding rigs for operation. The hand controller has a little deficiency. There is no option to make the whole fist clench. I only can adjust it manually. But fortunately, the skin of the hand controller not bad. The adjustment process of creating hands’ action is very smooth.

Generally speaking, the model which I used this time is good.

Let’s talk about the rig from the quadruped animal model.

In this picture is a fox model. Rig of the animal model also needs to be symmetrical. It’s worth noting that the animal’s tail and ear rig. In the process of animal movement, these two parts also need to conform to the law of movement. If the direction of the tail and ears is too rigid, it will reduce the authenticity of the animal in the animation.

In rigging, a good model will set the maximum or minimum data of rig movement or rotation. Or lock some controller rotation or translation. Make a numerical range of the controller is more in line with the real kinematics law. For example, the controller of the human arm can only rotate, but it can’t move like broken.

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