3D Equalizer_Camera Tracking

Start learning new software – 3D Equalizer.

We often use the [Basic] panel during our product processing. (Select 3DE interface after choosing the [Basic].)

Overviews have F1(Overview Controls), F2(Manual Tracking Controls), F3(Distortion Grid Controls), F4(Autotracking Controls), F5(Lineup Controls), F6(3D Orientation Controls).

F2 and F5 are often used in projects.

F2 is used when tracking something.

F5 is used when doing a 3D part.

The following pictures are the six interfaces of Overview.

F1(Overview Controls):

F2(Manual Tracking Controls):

F3(Distortion Grid Controls):

F4(Autotracking Controls):

F5(Lineup Controls):

F6(3D Orientation Controls):

In the upper left-hand corner of the [Basic] screen, there is the [Objective Browser]. Here we can create and manage [Scene], [Point Groups] and [Lenses].

The [Point Browser] allows us to manage the points which we make.

In the [Deviation Browser], it is great that the curve’s value is less than [1], which means that it makes fewer tracking errors. If the data exceeds [1], we need to modify the tracked points.

Start making projects!

Create a new [Sequence Camera] first!

Select the newly created camera in the [Object Browser] screen and then look at the [Camera] screen in the [Attribute Editor] on the right. Make sure that the Proxy Footage property in the Live Action Footage is [Main]. Click on [Browse], and import the file you want to create.

After importing the sequence file in the correct path, I adjust the values in [8 Bit Color Conversion] to ensure an easier viewing of the screen during production. I adjust the values in the [8 Bit Color Conversion]. In general, we need to change the data of [Gamma]. I have chosen to set the Gamma to [3].

When we play a video in 3DE, we feel that the playback speed is slow. So, this time we want to export the buffer of the video. Select [Export Buffer Compression File] in [Playback].

A progress bar appears in 3DE now. We need to wait a short time.

The [Export Buffer Compression File] has been created. We have to save the archive of the file. Please save the file at the beginning of the production process. We need to select [Save Project As]. After entering a name in the [Filter] box, the file will be saved in our project folder. Next time we can use [Ctrl + S] to save the file.

Create a point: [Ctrl + Left Click].

Select the created point: press and hold [Alt + Left Click], and then move the mouse.

Delete point: select the point you want to delete and select [Delete] in the [Point Browser].

When selecting the points, need to pay attention:

1. Choosing Corner point, Dark points, or Light point.

2. Don’t choose Reflective points, Invisible points, and Moveable points.

After the point has been created, two boxes appear. The inner box of solid lines is used to mark the characteristic areas of the tracking point. The outer dashed box is used to mark the different areas of the tracked points (the outer box has a range of areas, of course). The distance between the two boxes should be moderate. In this case, [Direction] should be selected as [Forward Only].

After creating the point, you need to preview the tracking effect. If you find that the tracking point’s frame is not tracking correctly, you need to select [End Point] for the correct keyframe. The next keyframe on which the correct tracking point can be created is then created. In this case, [Direction] should be selected as [Backward Only].

When creating a tracking point, it is best to choose a point that contrasts strongly with its surroundings. There should be a clear distinction between the tracking point and its surroundings in terms of light and shade, colour, and saturation. Do not select a point where the displacement changes during video playback.

If adjusting only [Gamma] is less helpful for observing the created tracking point’s position, we can make a better observation by changing the file’s colour property. Select [Image Controls Window] in [Windows]. (Changing the colour of the image only helps us better observe the position of the created track points and does not improve the software’s ability to track the track points.)

Then it’s time to get down to production! I have selected a video file about the scene. The steps from the very first creation of the file to set up the tracking points are the same as above, with Gamma set to [2]. After creating the tracking points, click on [track] to see the screen’s tracked route.

The video below shows me creating the tracking points. During the production process, it also appeared that the tracking points were only tracking a few keyframes, which meant that the tracking points were not chosen appropriately. I had to delete the wrong TrackPoint and create a new one. If the values in [Deviation Browser] are off, remember to adjust the [Focal length] in [lenses].

This is the tracking point effect video.

Let’s import the 3DE tracking project into MAYA.

We need to use the JPEG format for rendering for MAYA, and the material must also be of distortion-free quality.

First, let’s go to the F1 (Overview Controls) screen.

All tracepoints need to be hidden before rendering. Select all track points in the [Point Browser] on the left. Click on [Right Click] and select [Hide From Display Area] in [Modify].

If you want to view the hidden tracking points, you can select [Show FOV] in the [View].

Click on [Save out Rendered Frames] in [Render]. This action helps us to save the rendered frames.

A dialogue box will appear. Modify the rendering path in [Output Path]. Make sure that the [Image Format] is in JPEG format. Click on [Render] to start rendering.

After the rendering is complete, we need to export the file to MAYA. Click on [Export Project] in [3DE4]. Here we can see that we can export files in different formats. This time we need to chose [MAYA].

After clicking on [MAYA], modify the export path in the panel [Exportfile]. Click on [OK], and the file can be exported.

Application of 3DE:

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