Week5: Stylised Walk Feedback & Rending Farm

(1)Stylised Walk Feedback

This is a Feedback video about my last work, Stylised Walk.

The main issues with this adjustment are:

1. The character’s feet I made raised when it hits the ground. When the character’s feet are flat on the floor, the character’s angry emotional walk will be more urgent. The pace I made before was not powerful enough.

2. The highest point of the character’s arms needs to be increased. In my previous version, the character’s arms were raised low, and the power of the character’s angry emotion was not enough.

3. The upper body of the character needs to be bent more forward. In my previous version, the upper body was not curved enough.

4. The character’s hair was not animated last time, so I needed to be animated this time.

Change process

1. Keyframe change of feet

Before the change, keyframe of feet. & Before the change, keyframe of heel controller.

After the change, keyframe of feet. & After the change, keyframe of heel controller.  

2. Keyframe change of arms

Before changing, the keyframe of the arm. & Before changing the keyframe of the arm controller.

After changing, the keyframe of the arm. & After changing the keyframe of the arm controller.

3. Keyframe change of upper body radian

Keyframe of the upper body before the change. & Keyframe of the upper body controller before the change

Keyframe of the upper body after the change. & Keyframe of the upper body controller after the change.

4. Increase the keyframe of character’s hair

Final rendering video:

(2)Rending Farm

When we finish the animation project, we can submit the rendering task remotely using the self-service rendering form. The advantage of rendering farm is that it can improve rendering speed, and there are no restrictions on personal computer hardware. Simultaneously, after the rendering completed, an online preview can be carried out immediately and automatically downloaded to the local disk.

So how to operate the rendering farm. Let me share how to use UAL’s self-service rendering farm. (Rendering farms are basically operated by remote connection to another computer, so the basic operations are similar.)

We need to download a [VMware horizon client]. Through the use of this software to connect to the computer animation classroom of UAL. The image below is the download address. There are win, MAC, Linux, IOS, Android, and Chrome versions. Because I am a Windows system, so I download the win version.

After installation, this is an icon appearing on my desktop.

Click this icon, select the new server in the upper left corner, and a dialog box will pop up. (Because my computer is a Chinese system, so the language displays the Chinese glossary. Don’t worry, our software is the same except for the language.)

The first line requires the server name. The student number and password of UAL need to complete in the second and third lines. Then click login.

This interface is the computer room that we can connect to remotely. Select a computer to log in.

Find Maya and click to open Maya.

You need to import the file before start rendering. Set the rendering data of the file and save it. Attention file naming format, rendering frame number, and image size.

After setting the rendering data, click the icon below the deadline bar.

Now a panel appears.

Note the project job name and pool. Don’t forget to check the render output path. After filling in and selecting correctly, let’s look at the bottom of the panel. Click [Pipeline tools] to adjust the properties. Generally, we choose the MOV format. Click [OK], and then click [Submit the job] to start rendering.

Find the render item of submitting in the deadline monitor of your computer. You can focus on the rendering progress of your project.

Finally, find your rendering file in the saved rendering path.

Rendering farms is really convenient.


During my testing with the rendering farm, I found that my homework files can not use the rendering farm.

I checked the render settings and path of the file, but these were correct. This situation confused me.

I asked Luke for help. After looking at the process of what I was doing, Luke told me that if I want to use the rendering farm, I needed to choose UAL’s MAYA software.

Great! I could use the rendering farm again!

So when remote controlling the school’s computer, click on the MAYA icon for UAL.

Don’t forget this step. All the other steps are the same as I wrote before.

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