Week 9: Production of Showcase Videos and Summary for Collaborative Project

This week’s main task was to create a video and summary of a collaborative project presentation. Lucy created this poster for our group in the same style as the Tom Eckersley poster [The Exhibition of Tom Eckersley], which was created exclusively for our collaborative project group.

My current collaborative project was to create a 3D Gallery and poster model, which my team members would present in VR. When the player enters the Gallery, they can complete the model puzzles and interact with the 3D poster models.

The scene models were created in the same manner as the original reference image that we discovered:

We created a scene reference model:

Test image of the final model in game:

In this project, I was primarily in charge of Modeling, Texture, Rigging, Animation, and Narrator (Narrator: information about the exhibition hall and poster models in the VR game)

Modeling:Modeling includes a scene model, a three-dimensional poster character model, and a poster puzzle model (mainly using Maya, but also using the PS function of creating 3D models)

Texture:Material mapping of the poster model’s texture (created using PS and Substance Painter)

Rigging: Rigging is the process of creating skeletons for character models (using Maya for skeletons and weights)

Character animation: An interactive animation of the character (created using Maya)

Models of flat poster puzzles were created:

The poster puzzle model, like the blocks, is created by creating a Polygon of the same shape based on the graphics in the poster.

The Polygon on the table in the image is the one I made for the [Cat Piano] poster puzzle model:

Because the poster models required to create the jigsaw pattern must be stored in separate files. This is why, in our collaborative projects, careful model classification and naming are essential. It is my habit to ensure that the nomenclature and file organization are as logical as possible to assist my partners at the next stage of production in finding the models they require more quickly.

Poster models that I created:

Video of the project being tested by gaming and virtual reality students:

When I saw the game using the models we had created and playing interactively, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Lucy and I have been creating and modifying models almost every week, and I feel like I now have a more concrete framework in my head for how to create models than I did previously.

Collaboration project synopsis:

1. Investigating and developing project content

In the past, I’ve spent the majority of my time exploring and animating characters. Creating bones and materials for the models I built was a difficult task for me. I attempted to create four models for this project: [Panda], [Soldier Helmet], [Cat Piano], and [Garbage Collector]. During my initial exploration, I ran into a lot of issues, such as the wiring of the models needing to be adjusted while they were being created. To avoid model reporting errors in Unity, the model bindings and weights needed to be properly designed, and the number of faces needed to be reduced as much as possible. However, as I worked on the model and made iterative changes, I understood model creation and bone binding. After finishing the models for the collaborative project, I learned some basic Zbrush operations on my own, which will help me create models in various ways in the future.

When I first started learning new things, I had to gather a lot of information and plan out how I would learn the necessary skills. I frequently had to repeat the process to ensure that I was storing the information in my memory. I found the process of discovery to be exciting, and I was pleased with the result when I had completed my new learning.

2. Production schedule planning for collaborative projects

It is critical to plan the project schedule as a collaborative team, as the models must be completed as far in advance as possible to ensure that there are no delays in testing the game by the Games and VR students. Lucy and I made sure that we had a finished model each week and that we communicated with the team members on the collaborative project about how to improve the model on time. With careful planning and efficient production, we could complete all of the models ahead of schedule. Following the creation of the project’s models, I was in charge of modifying the 3D models for the posters as well as the voiceover work for the Gallery presentations.

3. Collaboration

A.Trust in one another is required for friendly teamwork.

B. Good communication is essential for improving team efficiency.

C. consideration for each student’s creative ideas and personality.


I’d like to thank all of the students on this collaborative project team for their ongoing efforts to move the project forward; our Game Design partners, Zhu Zhu and Zhijian Jiang have been working hard to design the game and create the game code, and have been active in discussing our model creation needs. Byron Wu is in charge of exploring and creating the VR design portion, and every time we see him show us the content of the project we are testing in VR, we are astounded as we have ever been. Yann, Sean, and Crystal from 3D Computer Animation generously shared their knowledge with me. Lucy and I are both majoring in the same field, and this is the first time we’ve collaborated on a project, which has been going very well so far. Lucy and I communicate about the project’s progress daily, and she is an excellent communicator! I love working with Lucy so much! We also encourage each other a lot when we face challenges, and we both have the spirit of never giving up and overcoming obstacles. This project has provided me with a wealth of new information, and I believe it has enhanced my professional skills and knowledge. Simultaneously, I gained a better understanding of 3D computer animation and games and VR professional project collaboration. This collaborative project experience, I believe, will help me to broaden my knowledge of animation and to better coordinate and participate in teamwork projects.

As I was editing the project resources to create the final video, I’m sure I will miss my collaborative project team. We have overcome many obstacles together when we have been working on the collaborative unit and have explored many new things. The times I stayed up late working on the model with Lucy are still vivid in my mind, as if we had just finished our first model yesterday. It was also fun to work on the voiceover for the project, as I could only record the audio at home now, so I had to sit in front of the computer and record my voice on my phone. I also had to be aware of the computer exhaust fan’s noise during the recording process to see if it would affect my recording. All in all, it’s been an exciting experience.

Project showcase video:

Final Collaborative Project Show Video:

Download [The Exhibition of Tom Eckersley] game


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