Application of light rendering technology in stained glass scene model based on MAYA_Proposal


Making glass effect and other transparent, reflective and refracting materials similar to real physical conditions by MAYA is known as an important part of animation creation and industrial output (The Design Technology of Glass Material Based on Maya Software, 2017). In this proposal, the research plan of creating scene model based on stained glass elements in MAYA is mainly introduced, and the rendering effect of stained glass under different indoor and outdoor lighting conditions is explored. At present, there is a lack of literature related to the research of stained glass scene rendering in the field of 3D animation, this research can supplement the samples of stained glass scene lighting rendering effect for the market.


In this proposal, the research direction of creating scene model with stained glass as material in MAYA is mainly introduced, and the lighting rendering effect under different indoor and outdoor lighting conditions is analyzed. Making glass effect and other transparent, reflective and refracting materials similar to real physical conditions by MAYA is known as an important part of animation creation and industrial output (including but not limited to film, game, advertising and animation) (The Design Technology of Glass Material Based on Maya Software, 2017). The main problem of this research is to conduct exploration of the similar effect of stained glass buildings in reality by adopting optical principles in MAYA, and to carry out a number of visual effects experiments on indoor and outdoor models under different lighting conditions. For the second problem, it aims to explore how to improve the visual effect of art beautification based on the rendering effect of stained glass scene simulation (Contemporary stained glass Inlay Murals lend emotional power to spaces, 2017). At present, there are limitations in the research plan, that is, the glass objects placed together in reality can interact with each other due to the light and shadow among objects under the action of light source. Therefore, in the production process, different light sources and material maps may need to be used to assist the simulation of ambient light.

Literature Review

The rendering effect of glass material depends on the basic physical properties, light energy conservation and environmental impact. Glass with high reflection characteristics has no fixed color and it material observed by human mainly comes from the light reflection or refraction of the surrounding environment on the glass. Therefore, light and environment are regarded as factors in glass manufacturing, which can play a very important role (The Design Technology of Glass Material Based on Maya Software, 2017).

Making real glass effect and creating virtual lighting and environment in MAYA can be regarded as an indispensable link. Because the scene may be affected by other objects and light sources in the rendering model. If the number of lights in the scene is increased, the corresponding rendering time will be longer (Comparison of Ray Tracing and Shadow Mapping Execution Times for Shadow Rendering, 2003). Therefore, considering the actual rendering situation, author will consider to reduce and weaken the ambient light among some objects to ensure high quality and clear rendering. At present, the research on MAYA rendering of multiple stained glass objects in the same scene is very lacking, and the data available are limited to a large extent. The stained glass scenes in real life will be investigated, thus conducting the comparison and imitation of light sources.

Research Design and Methods

In the FMP project, the author will carry out the creation of indoor and outdoor scene models. Then test the stained glass material data and lighting settings of different parameters for the model. Through the comparison of rendering effect under different values, the lighting effect closest to real life scene is simulated. Author will explore how to create the lighting value and position with a sense of design and atmosphere in the stained glass scene. For the design of the research, the author will consider creating scene models first, and giving them different colors of basic glass materials. After using global light illumination, the material effect of the scene and adjust the attribute parameters will be observed. The final expected glass material is similar to the texture of church stained glass, but the transparency and light transmittance of the material itself will be selectively increased or decreased.

Secondly, testing the lighting effect of different positions and values. Because the setting of the created scene belongs to the modern town exterior and bedroom, the lighting position of the scene in reality will be used as the main reference content, and the detailed light among objects will be added. The main program used is MAYA, and the glass scene model will draw on the real scene materials and some details will be modified to make it more suitable for the project requirements. A mount of parameter setting will cause rendering pressure on the machine. Therefore, author will consider weakening the effect of partially reflected light, thus saving the time of testing model materials and scene lights.


Lighting is known as a complex phenomenon in nature. Therefore, it is a challenging task to perform replication with computer graphics (CREATING CONVINCING AND DRAMATIC LIGHT TRANSITIONS FOR COMPUTER ANIMATION, 2007). In this research, the visual effect of rendering stained glass scene model under different indoor and outdoor lighting conditions in MAYA is mainly explored. At present, there is a lack of literature and video on the rendering of stained glass scenes in the field of computer animation. This research can supplement the database of glass materials and lighting rendering effect for the market. At the same time, it can not only provide more convenient research samples for the animation industry or rendering teaching, but also provide innovative 3D computer animation rendering materials. In this research, combining the MAYA software rendering principle and optical and other physical principles, more realistic 3D animation rendering visual effect will be explored.



He, Y. and Liu, Z. Y. (2017) ‘Contemporary stained glass Inlay Murals lend emotional power to spaces’, Fine Art Education Research, 000(005), pp. 31-32.

Michele, O., (2003) ‘Comparison of Ray Tracing and Shadow Mapping Execution Times for Shadow Rendering’, Winona Computer Science: Undergraduate Research Symposium, Winona, MN, 23-24 April. Available at:


Available at: (Accessed: 3 June 2021).

Song, L. X., and D. O. Science. (2017) ‘The Design Technology of Glass Material Based on Maya Software’, Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges, 22(06), pp. 39-41.

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