FMP Proposal Presentation

Hello, I’m Jianyu. In this presentation, I’ll share my research direction in FMP and thesis. My discussion will be divided into six parts. The first part is my idea overview. In the second part, I will choose the lighting rendering technology of stained glass in MAYA as the theme. The third part is to discuss the areas that need to be investigated in the project, and the fourth part is the differences between my FMP and thesis. Finally, I’ll describe the resources I plan to use and my expected goals.

Making glass effect and other transparent, reflective and refracting materials similar to real physical conditions by MAYA is known as an important part of animation creation and industrial output. At the same time, lighting is known as a complex phenomenon, therefore, it’s a challenging task to perform replication with computer graphics. The theme I plan to explore the similar effect of stained glass buildings in reality by adopting optical principles in MAYA. Then carry out a number of visual effects experiments on indoor and outdoor models under different lighting conditions. After the creation of the model and lighting in MAYA, I may choose layered rendering and adopt NUKE to perform the beautification and testing of the final rendering.

When I was in TERM1, I wrote an essay about The Research of Lighting in 3D Children’s Animation. In the analysis of 3D animation movie “frozen”, I found that the current animation market has positive support and feedback for lighting rendering with transparent materials. After recent research, it can be found that the academic research of glass scene rendering in MAYA is very lacking, and the information on glass environment rendering in indoor and outdoor scenes is even scarce. Therefore, it’s great value for 3D animation and the film industry to explore the light rendering of stained glass, and it can provide reference for the research of stained glass scene rendering in 3D animation field. At the same time, the research in the field of animation lighting has aroused my interest. As far as my employment direction is concerned, I prefer to devote myself to the work in University. Therefore, I am also eager to write the thesis of the academic research on the visual effect of stained glass rendering in MAYA through this project.

Because the scene created this time is set as the exterior and bedroom of the modern town, the lighting position of the current real scene will be used as the main reference, and the detail light among objects will also be added. I will carry out the analysis and research on the visual effect of color glass buildings in reality, and test the material, lighting arrangement and parameter setting of stained glass in MAYA. Making real glass effects and creating virtual lighting and environment in MAYA can be regarded as an indispensable link. Because the scene may be affected by other objects and light sources in the rendering model. If the number of lights in the scene is increased, the corresponding rendering time will be longer. Therefore, considering the actual rendering situation, too much parameter setting will cause rendering pressure on the machine.

I will consider weakening the effect of partially reflected light to save the time of testing model materials and scene lights. In order to ensure high-quality rendering, I will consider reducing and weaken the ambient light among some objects. At present, the research on MAYA rendering of multiple colorful glass objects in the same scene is lacking, and the data available are limited to a large extent. The stained glass scenes in real life will be investigated, thus conducting the comparison and simulation of light sources.

In terms of FMP, I will mainly carry out the research and test of rendering effect of stained glass objects in indoor and outdoor scenes. In the production process, the test of stained glass material is carried out to make it conform to the corresponding physical characteristics. In addition, the NUKE will be adopted to adjust the scene model after layered rendering, and then the reflection effect between the ambient light and the glass object, in reality, can be simulated.

In terms of thesis, I would like to write some academic technical application literature, such as the application of lighting rendering technology of stained glass scene model in MAYA. I also plan to study how to increase the artistic beautification effect in the thesis based on the simulation rendering of colorful glass scenes. Of course, the most important thing is comparison and analysis of the tests based on surveys to test the rendering effect of objects in stained glass scenes in indoor and outdoor scenes.

In terms of literature and data, I will use google scholar and YouTube to conduct research and read some blogs or interviews online and books to stimulate my inspiration and find some materials. Of course, some resources from other websites will be also used, then more research can be conducted.

In terms of software, I will use MAYA and NUKE. MAYA will be used to create models, make lights, and test renderings. NUKE may be used to carry out some artistic processing after MAYA layered rendering.

In terms of the final major project, my purpose is to create colorful glass models with different lighting in MAYA to achieve beautiful and realistic rendering effects. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze and compare how different lighting influences the rendering effect of stained glass and the extent to which different indoor and outdoor lighting conditions influence the glass scene.

The knowledge about lighting rendering technology of stained glass in MAYA is abundant. I am very eager to continue to carry out in-depth discussions and research of relevant materials of lighting design in 3D animation in the follow-up study time. At present, in the field of 3D animation, there is still a lack of academic literature and rendering video related to the research of stained glass scene rendering. I think this research can supplement the samples of light rendering effect of stained glass scene for the market. That’s all. Thanks for listening to my presentation.

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