Term3_Project Summary_ Advanced and Experimental 3D Computer Animation Techniques

I have undertaken three projects this semester, and I will summarize my learning and gains in this BLOG.

1.[FMP Proposal &Presentation]

These are the links to my [FMP Proposal &Presentation] project for this semester.

Application of light rendering technology in stained glass scene model based on MAYA_Proposal:

FMP Proposal Presentation:


I was a little confused about what I wanted to do when I initially started my FMP studies because there was so much I wanted to do. Then I remembered my research on lighting in children’s animated films from Term 1, and I decided to try my hand at lighting rendering. I assumed that the physical aspect of lighting would provide me with some motivation for new research because I intended to undertake more academic study in my future job.

After deciding on lighting, I began looking into more particular study directions. Although numerous illumination evaluations are available, there are still many aspects of Arnold rendering in MAYA that can be investigated. I began by looking at many lighting renderings and analyzing the various types of renders available. Then I discovered that there was very little study done on materials with transparent characteristics. ‘Frozen’ is an animated children’s film in which ice plays a central element, and this type of transparent ice produces a representation with a dreamy artistic impact. I came up with two different ideas, one for bubble elements and the other for glass elements.

When I told KK about it, he told me about the qualities of both the bubbles and the glass and some of the production experience I needed. I decided that glass would be a better material to research because it contains more real-life substance and would be easier to compare and observe.

My FMP was supposed to be an animated short film at first. However, after talking with KK, I decided that removing part of the footage would help me display the rendered work more effectively. As a result, I opted to concentrate on rendering the scene architecture. As part of my FMP research, I chose to develop stained glass scene lighting.


I had a more specific idea of the end FMP production for the project when I researched and composed my Proposal. I chose stained glass scene lighting as a subject that intrigued me more after comparing and analyzing the material accessible. I’ve also come up with some new ideas for my project’s final product, and I’ve assigned myself the chore of researching lighting rendering for stained glass scenarios. I also had some more precise thoughts regarding the research’s direction and some of the data setup required for the FMP generation, such as the lighting setup and part of the scene’s lighting data. This procedure aided me in completing a research outline and organize better the content of the projects I need to accomplish for the remainder of my studies.


The feedback from Luke gave me more ideas on the extended materials for colored glass scene lighting project research. I will book KK’s session to ask questions about the materials and lighting research of colored glass (also prisms and water). I think this summer holiday I still need to research more and more lighting work.

2.[Personal Project]



I produced a script, character setups, storyboards, and outdoor scene models for this personal project. I also put the stained glass materials and illumination to the test. The textures and lighting in the project still need to be investigated, and the current results are a little off from what I envisioned. I’m talking with KK about how to improve and work on my renders. During the holidays, I’ll continue to improve my stained glass textures and lighting renders.


Preparation for my FMP project was the focus of my personal project this semester. I had a clearer purpose for the direction of my FMP research and an initial notion for the substance of the Thesis during the course of my personal project. The most significant benefit, I believe, is that I have gotten a better understanding and production technique in depicting stained glass materials and lighting as a result of my investigation of my personal project. Despite the fact that some of the statistics were not successful, I realized wherein the project I might improve.

3.[Collaboration Project]



We collaborated on setting up several cyberpunk features in the early stages of the project. I was in charge of developing the models for the study room and the sleeping cabin on the first floor for this collaborative project. This was my first attempt making a cyberpunk model, and there were a few that I wasn’t sure what to do with at first. However, by looking at materials and reference photographs through the process, I was able to come up with a number of new ideas for the models. I’d also talk to the other students in the group and solicit their opinions on the models. I’ve made some development in my modeling abilities as a result of this.

In this cooperation project, we have not fully realized the final expected effect. In the initial discussion of the project, our group’s idea was to create ar interaction effects with character and character interaction. But because we all have other different projects to take up time, so at present, we have only completed the modeling. Because I have other personal tasks to do, in order not to delay the progress of the cooperation project, I first create the model of the cooperation project this semester. First, I finished the scene modeling of the second floor according to Yufei’s design. But maybe my modeling style is different from Kay’s, so later, after she finished building the scene model on the first floor, we found that we would not have enough time to submit the project if we modified it. But thanks Kay for sharing some modeling suggestions and letting me know some modeling considerations. Although this cooperation project has not been completed, we also found that if there are many members in the cooperation group, we need to pay more attention to the time arrangement of various work. We will continue to improve this modeling project when we have time.


This was my first try at modeling an interior scene in a cyberpunk style. I was first concerned about a large number of decorative models in the scene and confused about how to construct a model that met the project’s requirements. But in the process of exploration and production, I gradually found some rules of modeling. Faces limit the creation of this project model, and I have good control for the number of faces in the model within a reasonable range. We all provided some suggestions for improvement throughout our interactions with the project team members, which helped me gain some modeling abilities as well. I’m no longer frightened to build models in a new style I’ve never explored before because of this modeling.

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