
Start rigging the model.

Because I’m going to use the advanced selection 5 for rigging, I can basically follow the plug-in tutorial.

Select in the fit column. This option is the human bone structure. Click Import to generate half of the bones. Then I began to adjust the position of bones and characters.

Advanced selection 5 plug-in tutorial:

This process is repeated modification and adjustment. Let the automatically generated skeleton match to the model, and then adjust the position.

Adjust the position of bones and characters. After adjustment, click [build advanceskeleton] to create bones and controllers.

Generated symmetrical bones and controllers:

Later, I readjusted the rigging creation of my model because I needed to add bone rigging to the hair of my model.

Select the character model, click [+select deformjoints] in [Deform], and then click[set smooth bind options]to open the skin settings.

In the [normalize weights] option turn to [post] and click [apply]. If you adjust the controller at this point, you will see that the model has moved with it.

I also made controllers for the character’s facial expressions along the way. But this time my FMP project will focus more on the body animation of the model, so I’ll add more details on the expression binding when I get a chance.

Next up was the happy time of brushing up on the weights.

As you can see, in the properties bar include options such as, sort by: default by level; mode: draw, select, draw select; and draw operation. In the drawing mode is mainly to switch the operation mode reasonably, with the brush size, depth and the size of the weight opacity, value to repeat the operation. To achieve the final desired model suitable for animation.

When we select the need to paint skin weight, the box at the top of the properties bar will show the bones of the model corresponding to the skin. Click on any bone and the model controlled by the bone will be displayed in the model. Select each bone to see the corresponding skin range and use the brush to adjust it. Since painting skin weight takes a long time and is basically a repetitive task all the time, let’s show how it looks after painting the weights.

Some video tutorials of paint skin weight on the Internet:

Method of brushing weights:

Replace in the weighting panel is to replace; it is to replace the original value with the value below. Add in the weighting panel is to add; it is to add the following value to the original one. Scale is subtracted in the weighting panel; this means subtracting the following values from the original. smooth in the brush weights panel; this is to smooth over the original, so that the weights are not too stiff. The brush size can be adjusted by pressing and holding the B button and then using the left mouse button. One thing to note: brush from lower levels to higher levels.

After making the model of skin weight:



Rigging display:

The rigging of the model is basically completed. Let’s start animation part!

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