Thesis_13_ Final Thesis

This time, the format was mostly set. It took a long time to complete this task. This was due to the fact that I needed to double-check the list of literature and ensure that it was properly formatted and labeled in the article. In addition, I had to make page numbers and a table of contents. I also had to format and resize the image citations to make the thesis look better. I also made a cover for my thesis. This version looks much better.

Throughout this time, I have revised this essay numerous times. Every time I do it, I tell myself that I can improve on it. I just sent this file to Nigel, and I’ll update it if anything needs to be changed. Anyway, I’ll go ahead and post a thumbnail of the final draft thesis.

This makes me extremely happy. This research experience has provided me with a wealth of knowledge for writing the thesis. The thesis is also about anti-heroes, which is something I’m very interested in. Through my research, I was able to delve deeper into the field of the anti-hero. Instead of focusing solely on the entertainment value of these characters, I’ve begun to consider the reasons and applications for their existence. In the future, I hope to see more films and animations about anti-hero culture.

I’d like to express my gratitude to everyone who has assisted and encouraged me. I frequently emailed Nigel with questions about the thesis, and he was always helpful in directing me when I was lost. This advice has frequently assisted me in thinking in new ways. Thank you to my family for always encouraging and supporting me. Thank you to all of my friends who have helped me through this difficult and rewarding time of study. This study session will be one of the most beneficial experiences of my life. In the future, I plan to continue studying and experimenting with 3D computer animation!

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