Continuing Performance Animation

Part I: Qualities of a Good Animator

Darren Aronofsky, American film director, says “An animator has to live life twenty-four times than a normal human being do that is every twenty-four frames of a second.”

When making an animated film, the animator must keep all aspects of the character’s movement in mind, as the animator needs to make every movement of the model. Animators also need to observe and learn from all around them. Observing the things and the people around them, and analyzing their behavior, helps the animator shape the characters’ movements. Animators must also understand the camera angles and the projection of different objects in a given frame. Constant practice in taking photographs in life can help to understand the angles of perspective.


  1. Creativity

The design of the character must be attractive. It should make it possible for the audience to like the character. So animators need to be creative and need to keep the character simple while paying attention to the details. Complexities related to them should not exist. This is what makes them more accessible and friendly. Thinking out of the bounds helps us to be good animators and make character funnier. Creativity is what makes you think differently from others. Animators should know how to shape anything simple into something interesting artistically.

2. Humorous

Humor is the key to becoming a good animator. If you have a good sense of humor, your character will automatically portray it. Comedy is the key to friendliness. Humor reflects the movement and behavior of the characters. Since almost all animated films are aimed at children, they are made in the comedy genre. So it’s essential to instill a sense of humor in your character.

3. Patient

Patience is what makes an animator, a good animator, patient with your work. You know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t expect your work to be completed as soon as possible. The animation is a job of patience and hard work. Those animators who put extra time into their details are going one extra mile further.

4. Good Observation

We learn from our observations. We have to instill this quality in ourselves to be a good animator. A good observer learns from the things around him and tries to apply them to his characters. They’re always studying the movements of objects around him. They often look for interesting movements, walks, and funny expressions on their faces while talking. The observer tries to apply these qualities to the character and exaggerates them to make them more fun.

5. Learn Acting

This may sound a little different. But if you don’t know anything about acting, then how can you make your characters act. This will help you a lot in studying the body mechanics of a movement. Acting on a scene yourself will let you learn a lot about the mechanisms of the body. You don’t have to be a good actor for this. Just understand the basics of it. Learn to observe and analyze acting professional actors, plays, and exciting performances. Also, don’t forget to notice why and how you feel after watching them. All animation characters are inspired by reality and enhanced to make them more entertaining.

6. Interpretation

It is essential not only to learn from our reference but also from their reference and to interpret it correctly. A good animator knows the aim of the project and works towards its achievement. He tries to adapt the reference work accordingly. He has a good idea of a particular scene, its motive, and its importance in the film. It’s not enough to analyze your reference work. It would be best if you also analyzed its inspiration to get better at it. You may find a better way to do this. An animation project’s look and feel, whether it’s a film or a game, is critical.

7. Be Motivated

The motivation for a good animator is a crucial quality. If you’re not motivated, then it’s hard to be good at anything you want in your life. If you have an idea, just take the paper and start drawing. Don’t wait for the next day to come. This is how you can remain motivated.

8. Detailing

A good animator always pays attention to details. An animated sequence is replicated on a reality-inspired screen. It is an essential skill to detail every little thing about the character. Adding detail is an essential ethic for the animator’s work. You’ve got to take some extra time to give your character a perfect finishing touch.

9. Team work

The animation is teamwork. It is imperative to work together with your team member to be successful. You must have a good nature and a cooperative attitude. Different people are working on different tasks. You should know how to work with them, listen to them, and work together to achieve the project’s goal.

10. Toughness

You don’t have to be sensitive when someone else analyzes and criticizes your work. You have to learn from your mistakes. If someone doesn’t like it doesn’t mean you don’t know how to draw a cartoon. It means that cartoons still need some improvement. Just pay attention to all these features, and you know you’re on the right track to becoming a good animator. The distance between becoming a good animator and becoming a great animator is practicing. The more you practice, the better you get. So these were some important traits for becoming a good animator.

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