Category Archives: Advanced and Experimental 3D Computer Animation

WEEK2_Confirming The Group Division Of Labor And Discussing Design Concepts

This week, our group discussed the division of tasks for the collaborative project and clarified more specific design elements for the character models and scene models. Task division: Character and scene design: Yufei Character model creation: Crystal Scene model creation: … Continue reading

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WEEK1_Research And Find Team Members For The Collaborative Project

For this term’s collaborative project, I will be working on something related to scenic modeling. So when Crystal and I were talking about creating a cyberpunk-style scenic display for the collaborative project, I was very interested in her idea and … Continue reading

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FMP Proposal Presentation

Hello, I’m Jianyu. In this presentation, I’ll share my research direction in FMP and thesis. My discussion will be divided into six parts. The first part is my idea overview. In the second part, I will choose the lighting rendering … Continue reading

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Application of light rendering technology in stained glass scene model based on MAYA_Proposal

Abstract Making glass effect and other transparent, reflective and refracting materials similar to real physical conditions by MAYA is known as an important part of animation creation and industrial output (The Design Technology of Glass Material Based on Maya Software, 2017). … Continue reading

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Week 8:Modify and Self-study [ZBrush]_2

The majority of my work on my collaborative project this week has been to add and change models in response to project requirements from fellow game designers. In terms of self-study, I kept dabbling with ZBrush. Part 1: Designing a … Continue reading

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Week 7:Self-study [ZBrush]_1

I started to teach Zbrush myself this week. I found some tutorial videos to help me explore Zbrush better as a software program. I have chosen to install the Chinese version of Zbrush 2020 to help me understand the usefulness … Continue reading

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Continuing Performance Animation

Part I: Qualities of a Good Animator Darren Aronofsky, American film director, says “An animator has to live life twenty-four times than a normal human being do that is every twenty-four frames of a second.” When making an animated film, … Continue reading

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Previs/ Postvis/ Techvis | Film/ VFX/ Game Animation | Matchmove/ Rotomation/ Motion Capture

Part I:Previs/ Postvis/ Techvis Using Previs, Postvis and Techvis at the beginning of the shoot helps the director explore various ideas and techniques to shoot the film quickly. Both the camera effects and art departments benefit from the preview’s unique … Continue reading

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Review and Reflection

Learning and Growth: I think Term1 helped me get into the habit of looking at References. Before I came to UAL, my search for References was not comprehensive, and the scope of the References was not complete. However, because of … Continue reading

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